all from the comfort of your home with nothing but the power of breathing
No CLASS on March 26
Next Class Starts in:
Breathing not only fuels our body, but when practiced consciously, it balances the body-mind complex, bringing health and vitality from the inside-out.
Conscious breathing exercises, collectively called 'Breathwork' have gained popularity in the West due to its many proven health benefits!
Free the Breathing Mechanism
Learn to identify breathing patterns that weaken your respiratory muscles and how to correct them to expand your lung capacity and free the breathing mechanism
Use Breathing for Relaxation
Experience deep physical and mental relaxation as you dissolve and release tension with the power of conscious connected breathing
Build Energy and Vitality
Cleanse and nourish your body at the cellular level by inviting the vital life-energy of Prana that rides the breath
Doing breathwork with Devendra is a revelation! Each session reveals something new to me. And I am increasingly able to tap into that deeper sense of myself and my connection to something greater. I am ever so grateful for his wisdom, kindness, and generosity and keep coming back for more. - Beth, USA
For me, it's this saving grace that happens every wednesday night in the week. I know that I can look forward to this time of healing, of being refreshed, of having a new beginning. I really like the calm space that he creates and the simplicity of it. - Shakti & Stewart, USA
I am so happy I found Devendra and received so much healing through working with him. I liked his gentle guidance. I love the music that he would use in his classes. I truly enjoyed the group of people that he would attract and I felt wonderful after each class, I felt more grounded in my body. - Angela, USA
I'm Devendra Narayan, I'm a scientist, yoga teacher, breathworker, a husband and father. I'm an initiate in the Kriya Kundalini Pranayama of Mahaavatar Kriya Babaji.
I'm 50% scientist and 50% spiritual seeker. And my classes and teachings incorporate this unique blend of Science and Spirituality.
The methods and techniques I teach weave yoga, breathwork and meditation practices to bring profound states of relaxation and awareness of the inner (subtle) dimensions of our being.
I started the Breath Class during the 2019 COVID Pandemic out of love and service to my community. Over the years, we've formed a small but close-knit group, who share the love for this practice of Breathwork.
I invite you to become part of this loving and caring community.
In the Spirit of Service and Love,
Devendra Narayan
60 minutes.
A recording of the class will be made available to everyone who registers. You have 72 hours to watch the replay.
Absolutely! Breathwork is for everyone! Every class begins with a review of the breathing technique, which makes it super easy for new practitioners to follow.
This is a guided breathwork meditation that you'll practice while laying on your back. It comprises of conscious and connected breathing for about 30 mins, followed by a guided visualization and meditation.
Yes! Every week we work on a new theme and the playlist is selected according to that theme.
It's recommended that you setup in a quiet room either on the floor or in a bed. Have a pillow and light blanket handy. You should not eat before the class and join the Zoom call at least 5 mins before it starts.
That's it!
Choose from a list of the most favorite breathwork classes. Practice at your convenience and unlock the transformative power of breathwork.
Break free for lethargy, tiredness and feelings of depression with this active breathing and meditation
A subtle breath meditation inspired from the teachings of Thich Nhat Hanh.